Cookie and Privacy Policy at Rosco Diagnostica ApS
When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to increase the value of the ads displayed on the site. If you do not wish for information to be collected, you should delete your cookies (see guidance) and refrain from further use of the website. Below, we have elaborated on what information is collected, their purpose, and which third parties have access to them.
The website uses “cookies,” which are text files stored on your computer, mobile device, or similar, for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics, and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain harmful code such as viruses.
It is possible to delete or block cookies. See guidance:
If you delete or block cookies, ads may become less relevant to you and appear more frequently. Additionally, you may risk the website not functioning optimally and there may be content you cannot access.
Personal Information
Personal information is any kind of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of such information. This occurs, for example, through regular access to content, if you subscribe to our newsletter, participate in contests or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, use other services, or make purchases via the website.
We typically collect and process the following types of information: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, your IP address, geographic location, and which pages you click on (interests). To the extent that you explicitly consent to it and enter the information yourself, we also process: name, phone number, email, address, and payment information. This typically occurs when creating a login or making a purchase.
We process your personal information securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable law, including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act. Your information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when this purpose is fulfilled or no longer relevant. We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent your information from being accidentally or unlawfully deleted, disclosed, lost, degraded, or accessed by unauthorized persons, misused, or otherwise processed in violation of the law.
The information is used to identify you as a user and show you ads that are most likely to be relevant to you, to record your purchases and payments, and to provide the services you have requested, such as sending a newsletter. Additionally, we use the information to optimize our services and content.
Storage Period
The information is stored for the period permitted by law, and we delete it when it is no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the reason for storing it. Therefore, it is not possible to specify a general timeframe for when information is deleted.
Disclosure of Information
Data about your use of the website, the ads you receive and possibly click on, geographic location, gender, age segment, etc., are disclosed to third parties to the extent that this information is known. You can see which third parties are involved in the “Cookies” section above. The information is used for advertising targeting.
Furthermore, we use a number of third parties for the storage and processing of data. These parties process information solely on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes.
Disclosure of personal information such as name and email, etc., will only occur if you consent to it. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with sufficient protection.
Access and Complaints
You have the right to be informed about what personal information we process about you in a commonly used format (data portability). You can also object at any time to the use of information. You can also withdraw your consent to the processing of information about you. If the information processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Inquiries about this can be made to: If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal information, you also have the option to contact the Data Protection Agency. If you no longer want us to process your personal information, or if you want us to restrict the processing of your personal information, you can also send us a request to the email address above.
The website is owned and published by:
Rosco Diagnostica ApS
Stenmosevej 24A
DK 2620 Albertslund
Phone: +45 93 40 65 65
Denne cookiepolitik blev sidst opdateret 26. april 2024 og gælder borgere i Det Europæiske Økonomiske Samarbejdsområde.
Vores websted, (i det følgende: "webstedet") bruger cookies og andre relaterede teknologier (for nemheds skyld benævnes alle teknologier "cookies"). Cookies placeres også af tredjepart, vi har engageret. I dokumentet herunder informerer vi dig om brugen af cookies på vores websted.
En cookie er en lille tekst fil, der sendes sammen med sider på webstedet, og som er gemt i din browser på din computer eller enhed. Informationen i cookien kan blive sendt til vores eller relevante tredjeparts servere, når du besøger siden igen.
Et script er et stump kode, der gør, at vores websted fungerer ordentligt og som forventet. Denne kode afvikles enten på vores server eller på din enhed.
Et web beacon (eller pixel tag) er en lille stump tekst eller billede på et websted, der bruges til at overåge trafikken på webstedet. For at gøre det, bliver der gemt forskellige data om dig i web beacons.
5.1 Tekniske eller funktionelle cookies
Nogle cookies sikrer, at visse dele af webstedet fungerer korrekt, og at dine brugerpræferencer forbliver kendte. Ved at placere funktionelle cookies gør vi det lettere for dig at besøge vores websted. På denne måde behøver du ikke gentagne gange at indtaste de samme oplysninger, når du besøger vores websted, og for eksempel forbliver varerne i din indkøbskurv, indtil du har betalt. Vi kan placere disse cookies uden dit samtykke.
5.2 Marketing- / sporingscookies
Marketing - / sporingscookies eller hvilken som helst anden form for lokal datalagring, som bruges til at udarbejde brugerprofiler med henblik på annoncering eller på at følge brugeren på dette websted eller på tværs af flere websteder med lignende markedsføringsformål.
Statistik (anonym)
Vi bruger Elementor til oprettelse af indhold. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart.
Vi bruger WordPress til webstedsudvikling. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart.
Vi bruger Wordfence til websidesikkerhed. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Wordfence fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Google Fonts til visning af webfonts. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Google Fonts fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Adobe Fonts til visning af webfonts. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Adobe Fonts fortrolighedserklæring.
Formål, indtil undersøgelsen
Deling af data afventer undersøgelse
Når du besøger vores websted for første gang, viser vi dig en pop-up med en forklaring om cookies. Så snart du klikker på "Accept", accepterer du, at vi bruger alle cookies og plug-ins som beskrevet i pop-up filen og denne cookiepolitik. Du kan deaktivere brugen af cookies via din browser, men bemærk at vores websted muligvis ikke længere fungerer korrekt.
7.1 Administrer dine samtykkeindstillinger
Du kan bruge din internetbrowser til automatisk eller manuelt at slette cookies. Du kan også specificere, at visse cookies muligvis ikke placeres. En anden mulighed er at ændre indstillingerne for din internetbrowser, så du modtager en besked, hver gang en cookie placeres. For mere information om disse indstillinger, se instruktionerne i Hjælp-afsnittet i din browser.
Please note that our website may not work properly if all cookies are disabled. If you do delete the cookies in your browser, they will be placed again after your consent when you visit our website again.
Du har følgende rettigheder med hensyn til dine personlige data:
Kontakt os for at udøve disse rettigheder. Se kontaktoplysningerne nederst i denne cookiepolitik. Hvis du har en klage over, hvordan vi håndterer dine data, vil vi gerne høre fra dig, men du har også ret til at indsende en klage til tilsynsmyndigheden (Datatilsynet).
Kontakt os venligst ved hjælp af følgende kontaktoplysninger vedrørende spørgsmål og / eller kommentarer om vores cookiepolitik og denne erklæring:
Internet side:
Denne cookiepolitik blev synkroniseret med på 26. april 2024.
© 2025 Rosco Diagnostica – Designed by Aveo web&marketing